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Monday, April 25, 2011

The End of the Comment box - sorry

Hello again.

I have a bit of a problem and I am going to try to resolve it as best as I can. 

After my last posting 2 days ago, a woman called Tracy has been making comments on my blog. She is arrogant, unpleasant, knows-it-all, unkind and she even invoked KARMA in her ranting. I have no idea why she has a problem with me, since I have never met her in person. I asked her to stop and stay away from me, but she has not stopped. It is not easy to block people from accessing Google’s blog. So I will write this and eliminate the comment box all together.

Unfortunately I have seen many tourists like her in my guest house in Varkala. Tourists that come to India and after a few visits think they know all about India. Yes, I know she stayed at my resort, Bala told me she was obnoxious, and certainly I did not want to meet a person like that.  I did not care then and certainly I do not care to read her tirades now.

Yes, we are all different people and by publishing a blog I exposed myself to all sorts of people, the Tracy's of the world included. She told me she's from the Bay Area, a place known for tolerance, sense of humor, good hearted people.. and also for eccentricity. 

I know that because I am from San Francisco. 


1 comment:

  1. Amazing story. I am American of Indian origin. I took early retirement and have been looking at places in North India for long term stay, perhaps even invest in property. Recently I had been looking at Varkala as well.
    But after reading your blog, I'm not sure if it is a good idea to invest in India. Especially after we have lived in places where most things make sense (but not all; police shooting black people and the lies of 9/11, for example.)
    But we make choices based on what we know best at the time. Sometimes our emotions take over and it takes a lot of effort to dig our way out, in your case a huge(courageous) effort. I wish you the best of luck.
    If life was good for me in India, I would have never left. I life was perfect in the West, I would have never come back.
    It is highly commendable that you took on the corrupt Indian system and stuck with it. You have my 100% support.
